Mawja Group | شركة الموجة

MAM, Storage, & Archiving Systems

The Media Asset Management Systems or MAM systems’ mission is to save, secure, sort, and share all the data that require that.

MAM systems stand in need of storage systems, and with a growing amount of assets, archiving systems become necessary to include.

According to this, the storage system that is included in this solution should have full compatibility with the MAM System to ensure a straightforward workflow.

And as mentioned that once your business starts to grow, so do your assets and media, an archive management system would be a must to enable an in-depth metadata control of the complete media management system, which includes partial restoration and redundancy, file security, remote access, and much more.

For this reason, and depending on our customers’ requirements, we could propose many solutions that ensure great management of data and assets based on their varying degrees of interoperability, scalability, and flexibility.

MAM System

Archive System

LTO Library Storage System