Mawja Group | شركة الموجة

Broadcast Measurement Devices

Test and measurement (T&M) are important in every field, but when it is related to electronic and digital fields they are both important and critical, as all we are dealing with are signals.

Therefore, many specialized T&M equipment is crucial and needed to install and operate TV and radio systems.

The increasing complexity in digital production and broadcast signals for today’s workflows urged the need to include T&M Devices to ensure that the production process and signals distribution are meeting standards and operating properly, thus, the more you test, the best you get.

And as we cared for all our customers’ system components, from the camera and mic to the antenna and transceiver, we would absolutely care to provide personalized and flexible T&M Solutions as well.

TV Signal Spectrum Analyzer

Signal Generators & Waveform Monitors

Signal Quality Control Devices & Platforms